I asked myself

Always a smile on my face
saying it’s okay
it’s your personal space
just be back for wine before bed.
I asked myself do I love you?
I do,
I said to myself.
The weekend hikes
mundane Wednesday nights
became my routine
my daily life.
We walked together
one step forward
always matching up to each other.
Our lives intertwined
like two puzzles
carved with great care.
Every chiseled angle
every black white and blue
is a decision made
to preserve what’s precious
and abjure those without a clue.
I asked myself do I love you?
I do, 
I said to myself.
It became us, not me
I thought I would miss it
Miss the I and not the we
but because it’s you
and because I said I do
gave me what I could not
and us
made sense
how could it not?
I asked myself do I love you?
I do,
I said to myself.
Winter came
Spring, summer then fall
branches once shorn
started to flourish despite it all.
With you I was able to bare
myself naked and raw
in hopes that you would one day
give me what I crave and more.
We found comfort in each other
we were the image of the perfect structure
followed the rules
played the game right
people around us
envious at the sight.

Vinna Law