Being there
just silence
then a song
a song that just rings in the air
where have I heard this before?
the touch
the smell
the touch
the being
being there
I was there
was I there?
where have I heard this
make me smile
I laugh
I laugh
I laugh
I am happy
what is this feeling?
happy? is that what it is?
this fullness
I feel connected
I can feel her pool of emotions
feed into my being
feed through my bloodstream
she is mother
I have never felt so connected before
were we ever this connected?
when did we start to drift apart
when was that
I don’t remember
why was that
I don’t remember
was it me or was it you
I never felt wanted
not by you
but I was wanted
I could feel it
but when did it change?
why did it change?
it felt so good being enveloped by your warmth
I’ve never felt so safe before.