
Vinna is an actor-creator with a Masters in Acting from East 15 Acting School, UK. She focuses on acting and performance creation, and experiments with different mediums and methods of storytelling. She believes that the future of the arts is multidisciplinary and collaborative and have since founded two theatre collectives; The VSC Project (Malaysia) and Cognatus (UK) to create works with like minded artists and performers. 

She looks up to the works and aesthetics of Grotowski, Artaud, Boal, Brecht, Richard Foreman and Robert Wilson. Always curious and hungry for experiences, she seeks out to learn more about the traditional forms of theatre and methods of expression in various parts of the world.

Her exploration in the movement world ranges from physical archetypal work with masks and song, butoh, eastern and western stage combat, yoga, pilates, pole, traditional malay dance, and also various theatrical movement disciplines such as Laban and Grotowski. 




Special Skills



I was completely fascinated by your story, your skills and your brilliant attitude.
— Jack Lowe, Artistic Director of Curious Directive